Table of Contents
Things to do after a fresh Ubuntu 10.04 install
Remove unwanted software
- Remove Mono
sudo apt-get purge libmono* libgdiplus cli-common libglitz-glx1 libglitz1
- Replacements: F-spot → gThumb, Tomboy → gNote, Empathy −> Pidgin
sudo apt-get install gthumb gnote pidgin
- Nothing to do with Mono but I don't use Gwibber or Empathy either
sudo apt-get purge gwibber empathy
Add a list of useful repos
- Medibuntu - because the notion of property is not the same all over the world. Thank god.
- Ubuntuzilla - for the latest stable mozilla builds
- deb.opera.com - because I do webdesign
- http://archive.canonical.com/ lucid partner - needed for Sun-java6, a requirement of Processing
sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ lucid partner" sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin sudo update-alternatives --config java
- http://lgp203.free.fr/ubuntu/ (Don't remember why I had this one in my previous Ubuntu install. It's just here for decoration. Will see what to do with it.)
A list of software
Softwares that I use and that are not present on default installation
- Hamster-applet - time tracker
- Shutter - screenshots app
- Toribash - violence perfected
- Geany - better than gEdit imho
- gitg - git gui
- pdfShuffler - easy pdf toolbox
- Fluxus - 3D live coding
- Inkscape - vector graphics editor
- Gimp - raster graphics editor
- Agave - colorpicker
- Blender - obviously
- Phatch - batch graphics tools
- Scribus
- FileZilla - ftp
- Wireshark
- Prey configurator
- Shoebot - python creative coding
- dvd::rip
- vlc
- Revelation - password manager
- vim - for those times when all you get is cli
- git
- Fontforge
- Phatch - PHoto bATCH
- Back in time - Backup tool
Things I might do if I upgrade to 11.10
ubuntu/ubuntu_10.04.txt · Last modified: 2012/10/30 13:06 by Julien Deswaef