xuv's notebook

Side notes, howtos and random bits of information related to Julien Deswaef's projects

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Posterous is a great platform for publishing (and autoposting). The main inconvenient is that it's not free software and there is no way to host it yourself (though you can use a custom domain). So the goal here is to see how Wordpress could be tweaked to work as (much as) Posterous.

Posterous features

A short list of Posteorus features that I find useful and would need in Posterpress.

  • Post by mail
  • Bookmarklet for post by web
  • Tags
  • Autopost to
    • Twitter (with short url and hashtags for tags)
    • Identica (with short url and hashtags for tags)
    • Facebook
  • Markdown

Wordpress features and plugins

So Wordpress support tags already and has a bookmarklet for a quick posting from any webpage: http://codex.wordpress.org/Press_This

So for the other features, here's a list of wordpress plugins that might help or do the job.


Post by mail



And once you've configured it all, all you need to do is import what you had in your posterous and save it in your wordpress.

projects/posterpress.1295526294.txt.gz · Last modified: 2011/01/20 13:24 by