xuv's notebook

Side notes, howtos and random bits of information related to Julien Deswaef's projects

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Posterous is a great platform for publishing (and autoposting). The main inconvenient is that it's not free software and there is no way to host it yourself (though you can use a custom domain). So the goal here is to see how Wordpress could be tweaked to work as (much as) Posterous.

Posterous features

A short list of Posteorus features that I find useful and would need in Posterpress.

  • Post by mail
  • Bookmarklet for post by web
  • Tags
  • Autopost to
    • Twitter (with short url and hashtags for tags)
    • Identica (with short url and hashtags for tags)
    • Facebook
  • Markdown

Wordpress features and plugins

So Wordpress support tags already and has a bookmarklet for a quick posting from any webpage: http://codex.wordpress.org/Press_This

So for the other features, here's a list of wordpress plugins that might help or do the job.


Post by mail


projects/posterpress.1295520294.txt.gz · Last modified: 2011/01/20 11:44 by