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Leapmotion on Linux

More or less, Leapmotion on a Debian Wheezy.

Attending a Hardware Hack Lab session for the first time, I found a leap motion and I wanted to give it a try on Linux. Fortunatly, it's supported. But Debian Wheezy is missing libc6. So there is a little trick to make it run.

# install leapmotion 
sudo dpkg -i Leap-2.2.4+26750-x86.deb
# It will throw some errors about libc6 not being the right version. Ignore.

# Download libc6 and unpack it in it's own directory.
wget http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/e/eglibc/libc6_2.15-0ubuntu10.5_i386.deb
mkdir ~/libc6-hack
dpkg-deb -x libc6_2.15-0ubuntu10.5_i386.deb ~/libc6-hack/

# Point to libc6 before starting leap deamon and LeapControlPanel
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=~/libc6-hack/libc6/lib/i386-linux-gnu/ leapd
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=~/libc6-hack/libc6/lib/i386-linux-gnu/ LeapControlPanel
tools/leapmotion_on_linux.1427940724.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/04/02 04:12 by Julien Deswaef