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Medialab Prado Logs

From 15 April till 27 April, Design with Git daily activity at Medialab Prado.

Day 12 : 26 April (last day)

Day 11 : 25 April

Canvg patch for chrome dashed-line rendering:

// replace these
ctx.webkitLineDash = lengths;
ctx.webkitLineDashOffset = 2;
// by these
ctx.lineDashOffset = 2;

Day 10 : 24 April

Sum up of the day: Trying to render a scaled version of svg/xml data in the browser isn't an easy task. Svg.js is the best solution. But not stable enough with svg (coming from inkscape?). As for now, this feature will be put on hold. Tomorow, last full working day at the Medialab Prado. TODO: pul data from git.

Day 9 : 23 April

Day 8 : 22 April

Day 7 : 21 April

And on the seventh day God finished his work that he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all his work that he had done.

Well, not really ;)

Day 6 : 20 April

SVG to Canvas (dashed line) rendering

Day 5 : 19 April

Day 4 : 18 April

Day 3 : 17 April

Day 2 : 16 April

Planning for the week

The plan is to have a browser-based visalisation of git commit history and be able to visually compare two blobs. considering that the only versioned files taken into account are SVG files. To achieve that, we need to review existing js libraries that will display timelines, compare files and interface with git (or with a git repository). Then choose the best ones for the job and make them work together.

Reviewed tools

Git js interfaces

Github js interfaces

Here's a github repo full of svg with commit history to test a script

Timeline js interfaces

This would be used to display a list of commits. This requires a “special” timeline application that can display concurrent timelines (necessary to display branching).

Visual Diff Tools

Day 1 : 15 April