===== Python with glue =====
BPython : cmdline python interpreter improved (w/ auto-completion, colored syntax,...)
2**3 # is 2 power 3
type(s) # returns the type of object s
=== mutable types and non-mutable types ===
Basic types are non-mutable: Int, Float, Long, String, Tuple\\
Mutable types: List (Array is a type of list)
0b00000001 # represents a binary number
=== Dictionaries ===
You can put any type of object in a dictionary (not so much as a key, but as a value). A function can be put as a value in a dictionary.
=== PPrint ===
A python library for pretty printing.
=== OOP ===
# Creating a class
class Hello:
def method(self):
return 'hello'
# Or the now official way (compatible with python3)
class Hello(object):
h = Hello() # Creates an instance of the class Hello
h.value1 = 23 # adds an attributes to the instance h
Hello.value2 = 45 # adds an attribute to the class and all its instances.
You can add attributes and methods on the fly.
=== Pyinotify ===
A python module for monitoring filesystem changes
=== Scapy ===
http://www.secdev.org/projects/scapy/ \\
Interactive packet manipulation program