====== Welcome ====== This is the open notebook of [[http://xuv.be|Julien Deswaef]]. The whole purpose of this wiki is to keep track of notes, howtos and other useful information regarding Julien's [[http://xuv.be/|projects]] and activities. It is open and public because « [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEwqH8QJqXQ|you should document more than just your final design]] ». These quotes have inspired me and are a reflection of my practice: > //"Any bar chart or scatter plot made with Excel will look like a bar chart or scatter plot made with Excel. Package solutions can provide only packaged answers[...]"// − Ben Fry - Visualizing Data - O'Reilly - p31 > //"If I can see further than anyone else, it is only because I am standing on the shoulders of giants."// − Isaac Newton > //"If you are not a programmer, you're one of the programmed."// − Douglas Rushkoff ---- ====== Active pages ====== ==== Projects ==== A complete list of projects is available under [[projects:|this section]]. ==== Tools ==== * [[tools:Short url services]] * [[tools:Google API Python]] * [[tools:Undocumented Facebook]] * [[tools:Fluxus tips & tricks]] * [[tools:Comment telecharger les videos de mosaiktv| Comment télécharger les vidéos depuis Mosaik.tv]] * [[tools:Leapmotion on Linux]] * [[tools:Blender-Qarnot]] ==== Workshops ==== All things related to [[workshops:]] I've given or attended. ==== Ubuntu / Arch / GNU/Linux ==== * [[ubuntu:Xsane as a photocopier]] * [[ubuntu:Prefs]] * [[ubuntu:Samsung NF310]] * [[ubuntu:HP G62]] * [[ubuntu:Vaio VPCF11S1E]] * [[ubuntu:Samsung 535U3C]] * [[arch:Arch on the Pi]] * [[raspbian:Raspbian on Pi]] * [[arch:Latest Blender on a Raspberry Pi( >= 2)]] * [[arch:Arch tips and tricks]] * [[arch:TP-Link TL-WR842ND v2.1]] * [[ubuntu:Macbook Pro 2017]] ==== Recipes / Recettes ==== * [[recipes:Armenian Nutmeg Cake]] * [[recipes:Pie Pinapple Pie]]