xuv's notebook

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Streaming server

Gstreamer + Icecast2

Stream a Xwindow into an Icecast server:

gst-launch ximagesrc ! videoscale ! video/x-raw-rgb,width=720,height=576 ! \
    ffmpegcolorspace ! theoraenc quality=16 ! oggmux ! \
    shout2send ip=localhost port=8000 password=hackme mount=test.ogg

Theoraenc quality goes from 0 (bad) to 63 (excellent).

Stream a Fluxus window to icecast:

gst-launch ximagesrc xname="fluxus scratchpad 0.18" ! \
    ffmpegcolorspace ! theoraenc quality=16 ! oggmux ! \
    shout2send ip=localhost port=8000 password=hackme mount=test.ogg

Stream from a video capture card to icecast:

gst-launch v4l2src ! videoscale ! video/x-raw-yuv,width=768,height=576 ! \
    ffmpegcolorspace ! theoraenc quality=16 ! oggmux ! \
    shout2send ip=localhost port=8000 password=hackme mount=test.ogg

Launch VLC with no interface, fullscreen, without OnScreenDisplay and cropped (left+top+right+bottom)

cvlc -f --no-osd --crop 0+2+400+300 http://localhost:8000/test.ogg

Ubuntu bugs and other things

White screen on second, third and fourth monitor

Especially with multiple sessions of Xwindow and Xinerama disabled.
BUG: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/885989
Nautilus is buggy. Replaced with Thunar.

:!: Removing Nautilus from a clean Ubuntu will remove gnome-session and break the desktop. You don't want that. To keep a working gnome-session, I added the gnome3 ppa before removing nautilus. Which actually updated gnome-session in the process.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3

And to get something like DISPLAY:=0.1 in the command line, you need to bee in Unity2D. Geez.

Combat Naval


Grille Nogold

  • ne bouge pas
  • se transforme
  • continue - discontinue
  • vide -plein
  • qqch circule
  • changement de couleur
  • pulsation colorée
  • disparition - appariton
  • pointillé - épaisseur ligne
projects/nogold.1376922772.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/08/19 16:32 by Julien Deswaef