====== Loading external libraries ====== An example where we are going to use the requests library and the xml.etree library to pull some content from the NYTimes website and display it in Blender. The finished script will look something like this: import bpy import requests from xml.etree import ElementTree as ElTree from math import pi as PI # A function to draw some text def addText( t, loc, rot=(PI/2, 0, 0) ): bpy.ops.object.text_add( enter_editmode=True, location = loc, rotation = rot ) bpy.ops.font.select_all() bpy.ops.font.delete(type='SELECTION') bpy.ops.font.text_insert(text=t) bpy.ops.object.editmode_toggle() # Fetch the latest articles from NYTimes.com req = requests.get('http://www.nytimes.com/services/xml/rss/nyt/HomePage.xml') if( req.status_code == 200): # if the server responded correctly to our request #print(req.headers) rss = ElTree.fromstring(req.text) #print(rss) for i, title in enumerate(rss.iter('title')): #print(str(i) + ' ' + title.text) if ( i > 1 ): addText(title.text, (0, 0, i))