====== Xsane as a photocopier ====== [[http://xsane.org|Xsane]] needs a little bit of preference configuration to get it working as a photocopier. Here is my set-up: * Ubuntu 9.10 with default Xsane install (0.996) * CanoScan N650u (scanner) * HP LaserJet 1200 (printer) First, you need to know the name of your printer on your system. Run this command in a terminal to get it: lpstat -a which, on my set up, gives me: HP-LaserJet-1200-2 acceptant des requĂȘtes depuis ven 25 jun 2010 13:32:29 CEST Then, in the menu Xsane > Preferences > Configuration (shortcut: [alt]-s ), under the "Copy" tab, give a name to your printer (any name is fine) and as a command, write this: lpr -P the_name_of_your_printer_on_your_system As an example, on my system, I had to write this: lpr -P HP-LaserJet-1200-2 This should be sufficient to get it working. Although, I also needed to deactivate the "create zlib compressed postscript image for printing" to get it working. But maybe you don't :-) ---- To write this tutorial, I found some useful info on these pages: * [[http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-566829.html]] * [[http://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/xsane]] (fr) * [[http://xsane.org/doc/sane-xsane-setup-copy-doc.html]]